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New Release!
A Reluctant Debut by Teresa Sweeney
Richard Bolton, the Earl of Belcrave discovers his younger son Harry married the common Miss Rebecca Barrington and sends his eldest son, Thomas, Viscount Bolton to bring the newlyweds to London. Not only does the girl lack title and fortune, but she is responsible for the duel that caused her father’s death and brother’s exile. Belcrave is incensed to find scandal attached to the Bolton name and plans to rectify the situation.
Rebecca Barrington faced ruin until she met and married Lord Harry Bolton. Now, to reach for a happy-ever-after she must travel to London’s prestigious Mayfair and be presented to the ton as Mrs. Harry Bolton. She is reluctant to make her debut and even more fearful her secret will be ferreted out. Can she endure the ton’s censure and scorn; and even more importantly, can her marriage survive once her secret is revealed?
A Very Reluctant Lady by Teresa Sweeney
The Honorable Alicia Deneham’s mother passed away at an age when she should have been learning how to flirt and polish those graces all debutantes aspire to secure a husband. Instead, she was learning how to breed thoroughbred race horses and excel at those talents polite society considered mannish. She never planned to marry until circumstances forced her to join the marriage mart.
Her father’s grief after losing his wife was a constant reminder why Alicia did not want to fall in love. She was even more resolute to marry for convenience when sparks ignited between her and an infuriating and handsome American named Kevin Donahue. The man was too much of a temptation and in a panic she singled out the eligible and receptive Lord Summers with her attention.
Kevin wasn’t fooled. As far as he was concerned, fate already matched him with Alicia, but can he convince a very reluctant lady to marry him for love, before she marries for convenience?
Only A Captain Will Do by Teresa Sweeney
Miss Christina Rothsborn was thoroughly embarrassed when a push to her back sent her tumbling into the hands of Captain Jason Brentwood. She apologized profusely to the gentleman she admired since she was eight, until she realized the captain did not remember her.
Christina's flash of temper amused Jason, especially after he had performed gallantly to save her from hitting the pavement. His amusement quickly turned to interest when he discovered Miss Rothsborn was the daring child he met in his youth.
Christina knew she was too low-born to be anything more than a passing fancy for Jason. His father, the Duke of Aubry would never condone a union between them, much less their keeping company with one another. But what is a girl to do when the man of her dreams wishes to court her? More importantly, what will the duke do when he discovers their courtship?
The Reluctant Viscount by Teresa Sweeney
Lawrence Cowper, to his exasperation, keeps finding himself in the company of Miss Margaret Deneham. He first saw the young debutante at a ball shortly after inheriting the Atwood Viscountcy and was immediately attracted to her. Unfortunately for Meg, his good opinion diminished when her wit caused others to laugh at him.
Meg regrets she ever teased Viscount Atwood. She meant to intrigue the nobleman she found handsome, but instead her repartee publicly humiliated him. She wonders if after two years, the man she wished would court her, would ever forgive or forget her transgression? Especially when they are thrown into each other’s company and the viscount reluctantly finds himself her champion.
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Uncommon Affair by Teresa Sweeney
Since her debut, the beautiful and bold Lady Catherine Brentwood, daughter of the Duke of Aubry, has been sought after by every eligible nobleman who would like nothing better than to call her "wife."
After two Seasons of galas and balls, she becomes restless and resigned to never finding the man she wishes to marry. She happily leaves the pretense of London's Season when her cousin Edward invites her to Beaumont Manor.
While there, she meets his man of business, Mr. Alistair Chapman, a man seemingly immune to her attributes, and becomes uncommonly flustered. Catherine cannot believe that the gentleman who has finally captured her heart only wants to be her friend, or does he?
A Love Match, Indeed! by Teresa Sweeney
Edward Brentwood, the recently titled Lord Felton, is finally receiving the respect from the aristocracy he has coveted all his life. His great-uncle, the Marquis of Beaumont, has named him his heir and to appease him, Edward has promised to marry and begin his nursery.
He wishes to add to his distinction, by finding a young debutante of lineage and wealth, that will add to his esteem. He is determined that no child of his shall suffer, as he did, because his father married beneath his station.
Even with the best of intentions, Edward finds himself more often in the company of Lady Anne. A lady who is considered past her prime, penurious, and in service. Edward finds their encounters irritating, yet affecting, and must decide if she is the one he is seeking, and if so, how to win the heart of a lady, who believes his attentions, are far from honorable.
Always Rebecca by Teresa Sweeney
Rebecca Stevens, the vicar's daughter, never worried about fashion or fripperies. She was too busy keeping house for her father and helping him write out his sermons.
She attends her first country-dance when she is fifteen years old and discovers that her dress and manner are lacking in sophistication compared to other girls her age. She suffers embarrassment when the young and handsome Viscount Shelby mistakes her for a child. Her humiliation is witnessed by the Earl and Countess of Ingall and in sympathy, they hire her as a companion for the countess.
Over the years, under Lady Ingall's tutelage, Rebecca transforms from a timid country girl into a lady that can rival any debutante and draw the notice of any man, but can she attract the nobleman that once called her child?